The easy guide to tamarillos

Tamarillos (Cyphomandra betacea)

Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Also known as the tree tomato
It is grown in Australia and New Zealand
Trees grow to 5 meters tall
Young trees can be brought at nurseries
Trees live for 5-7 years
The fruit is the size of a duck egg
The fruit can be red, orange or yellow
The skin can be easily peeled
The fruit can be stewed
Yield can be as high as 20kg per tree

How to Grow

They prefer a light well drained soil
They can be grown from seed or cuttings
Work alot of compost into the planting hole
Transplant seedlings when they are at least 15cm tall
Space plants 2 meters apart
Protect plants from strong winds
Mulch around the tree
Pinch out the growing tip when plant is 1 meter tall


Winter time
They can be eaten fresh
Fruit can be stored indoors
Fruit can be stored in a refrigerator

See More!

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