The easy guide to fertilizers


Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

They can be powder, granular or liquid form

NPK or inorganic fertilisers

which means Nitrogen, phosporous and potassium
when all three are available it is a complete fertiliser
10:5:10 means 10% nitrogen 5% phosphorus 10% potassium
they are fast acting
they are available commericially
they release nutrients over a few months
they are directed to the plant not the soil
fertilisers need moisture to work well
they can be in a liquid form

Organic fertilisers

includes a whole range of substances
they usually contain less nutrients than inorganics
they usually contain more trace elements than inorganics
they can be available commericially
dried blood and bone
excellent for fruit and vegetables
it is high in nitrogen and phosphorus
it is high in nitrogen and phosphorus
well rotted manure is applied to the soil
it is high in nitrogen and phosphorus
a wide range of substances can be composted
wood ash
it is high in potassium
other organic fertilisers
fish meal
saw dust
green manures
leaf mould

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