The easy guide to Potatoes
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)
Isaiah 11:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:A hardy vegetable to 50cm high
A very rewarding plant to grow in larger containers or in the open ground
Tubers vary in size, color, texture and taste
A space 4 meters square(43 square feet) can accomodate 3kg(6 lb) of seed potatoes and
produce at least 50kg(100 lb) of new potatoes
Potatoes grown in a kerosine tin or 5 gallon drum can give surprising results
Potatoes can be planted to break up tough soil
Seed Potatoes
You want ones with "eyes" on them
Small potatoes to 5cm(2 in) are planted whole
Medium sized ones are cut longwise to get eyes on them
Large ones are cut across and then again through the ends to
have an eye(s) on each piece
Leave the cut pieces a few hours to dry before planting
How to Grow
Potato tubers are planted in Spring in temperate gardens after the frosts are past
In well drained soil in a sunny position
(Open ground) Make furrows 50cm(20 in) apart and 15cm(6 in) deep
Space seed potatoes or cuts along these about 30cm(12 in) apart
and cover with 1-2 inches of soil. As shoots progress upwards fill in soil
around them and later hill up around plants with soil raked from between furrows.
Hilling encourages more roots from the stems and therefore more potatoes
(Containers) Cover potatoes with soil to one third of the buckets/containers depth
and then add soil as plants grow
Dig new potatoes from the time lower leaves begin yellowing using a fork
If potatoes are to be stored leave them until plants die down.
Do not leave dug potatoes exposed to light as this causes greening and
Store potatoes in boxes, paper sacks or hessian bags
Kennebec - White skin and white flesh, a good keeper
King Edward - Pear shaped with cream flesh
Kipfler - Small stubby tubers with yellow flesh for salads
Nicola - A Dutch creamy yellow potato. Good flavour and texture
Pontiac - Large round tubers with pink skin
Sebago - Is oval shaped and is of good eating quality
Sequoia - A vigorous grower with white flesh
See More!
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PRAISE THE LORD Brother! This is wonderful! GOD BLESS!!!