
Showing posts from April, 2018

The easy guide to chamomile

Chamomile (Chamaemelum) Psalms 104:13 He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works. It is a evergreen perennial It has a reputation as a good medicinal herb It grows in a mat shape It has an apple like scent It grows to 12in(30cm) tall It can withstand very cold weather (up to -29C) It is a companion to onions, cabbage or broccoli It can be grown in pots or containers It can be used to repel flies or mosquitoes Dried flowers are used for a herbal tea As a tea it can help sleeplessness How to Grow It prefers full sun or light shade Can be grown from seed direct in the ground Or smaller plants can be transplanted Or by division of existing plants Space plants 25cm(10in) apart Harvesting Harvest flowers when they open They can be used fresh or dried See More! The easy guide to Potatoes

The easy guide to apple mint

Apple Mint (Mentha suaveolens) Psalms 17:8 Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings, Also known as woolly mint Is a creeping perennial herb It has an apple fragrance It has pinkish flowers It can be planted near a tap for ready moisture It's valuable for its leaves which can be chopped It can be used in sauces and salads It can be used in drinks or cooked as a vegetable Mint rust can be treated by cutting the plant back hard It can reach 60cm(2ft) high It is a good ground cover on rough areas It can be grown in a pot Mints can become invasive and compete with other plants How to Grow Mint likes damp or moist soil Sow seed in Spring or Summer or Plant rhizomes from existing plants in winter or spring Plant rhizomes 5cm deep and 25cm apart See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The e...

The easy guide to lemon basil

Lemon Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Hebrews 10:20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; Is an annual with bright green foliage It has lemon scented leaves Is a warm season herb Grows up to 60cm(2ft) high It has small white flowers Close by it assists the growth of many plants It has a clove like flavour It's used to flavour tomato, fish and salads Can be made into pesto or stored in oil Basil repels flies and mosquitos How to Grow Sow seed from spring to summer A sunny, warm and sheltered position is best Basil can be grown in pots or tubs Place plants 30cm(12in) apart Or plant out commerical seedlings Harvesting Pick leaves when the plant has grown tall See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins

The easy guide to clary sage

Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left. Is a bushy biennial It has large bumpy leaves It produces bluish flowers in the second year Its a tall variety of sage It can grow to 1.5m(5ft) high It can repel cabbage butterfly It is used for seasoning pork, beef or poultry It can be used as a medicinal tea It can be used in salads It can be used in soups or cold drinks It can be used as a gargle for sore throats Sage can be grown in containers Sage is a good border plant in the garden How to Grow A full sun position with light soil Sow seed in Spring Or take cuttings in Spring or Summer Or buy commerical seedlings Space plants 50cm(20in) apart Sage can be pruned in early Spring Harvesting Leaves can be picked fresh and used Leaves can be dried for later use See More! The easy guide to Potatoes http://cga777.blogs...

The easy guide to lemon thyme

Lemon Thyme (Thymus citriodorus) Psalms 89:47 Remember how short my time is: wherefore hast thou made all men in vain? Is an evergreen perennial herb Its a low growing subshrub It has rich lemon scented leaves That are yellowish and greenish And is a popular culinary herb It grows to 30cm(12in) in height It has tiny flowers There are over 400 species of thyme Thyme is used to flavour meats Thyme goes well with zucchini, carrots and tomatoes Thyme tea is a refreshing antiseptic drink Thyme oil is used to treat headaches and other problems How to Grow Needs a sunny site and well drained soil Can be grown from root division of existing plants Or from seed sown Harvesting As needed Use fresh, frozen or dried See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins

The easy guide to peppermint

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Job 40:20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. Is a creeping perennial herb That is valuable for its leaves which can be chopped It is easy to grow It has pinkish flowers It can be planted near a tap for more moisture It can be used in sauces and salads It can be used in drinks or cooked as a vegetable It usually grows to 50cm high Peppermint oil contains menthol Which is used to treat bruises, sprains or toothache Peppermint tea is a good tonic Peppermint belongs to a big family of mints Mints can become invasive and compete with other plants How to Grow Peppermint prefers semi-shade It likes damp or moist soil Sow seed in Spring or Summer or Plant rhizomes from existing plants in winter or spring Plant rhizomes 5cm deep and 25cm apart Mint rust can be treated by cutting the plant back hard See More! The easy guide to Potatoes htt...

The easy guide to sesame

Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. It is an annual plant The plant grows to (90cm)3ft high The seeds are high in protein They can be crushed and used like peanut butter It goes well with meatless dishes and salads It goes well with vegetables and breads Sesame seed goes well with a cheese pie Seeds can be made into an oil for many dishes How to Grow Grow plants in full sun To get enough seeds alot of plants are needed Harvesting 4-5 weeks after the flowers open collect seeds Cut the plant so that a long stem is attached Dry seeds in a bag in a warm location See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins The easy guide to Peppers/Capsicums http://cga777....

The easy guide to hyssop

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) Psalms 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Is an evergreen perennial herb Translated from azob in Hebrew it means holy plant Its mentioned 12 times in the King James Bible The leaves are narrow and dark green Interestingly it can be harvested all year round It grows to 75cm(30in) high It attracts bees and butterflies It has tiny blue flowers It is known to be drought resistant It can go with meats and fish It can go in soups or stews The leaves are used for a tea Hyssop oil is used in soaps and perfumes How to Grow Sow seed Spring and Autumn Or by cuttings or division It grows in full sun or partial shade Harvesting As required See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins

The easy guide to sweet cicely

Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. It is a hardy perennial herb It is grown for its leaves, seeds and taproot All parts of the plant are edible It has foliage like ferns It grows to 1.5m(5ft) tall It has white flowers in summer The taproot can be eaten like a vegetable Leaves can be used in salads or in pastry Leaves make a good tea Seeds can be used in cakes or apple pie How to Grow It likes a sunny or partial shade position It likes rich, moist soil Sow seed in autumn Or division of the plant or take root cuttings Harvesting Pick leaves as needed Pick unripe seeds and use fresh Or lift the roots and use See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins ...

The easy guide to sorrel

Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) Psalms 118:13 Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the LORD helped me. Also known as common sorrel or sourgrass Is a hardy perennial Its related to french sorrel It has big flat leaves It grows to 90cm(3ft) high It looks like spinach in the garden It is best only to eat a few leaves It can cause poisoning if too many leaves are eaten It goes with soups, sauces and salads It is cooked like a vegetable It is easy to grow How to Grow It likes a sheltered position It likes moist and rich soil From root division in autumn or spring Or sow seeds in those months Plant plants 15cm(6in) apart Mulch plants to retain moisture in the soil Harvesting As required See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins

The easy guide to salad burnet

Salad burnet (Poterium sanguisorba) Deuteronomy 18:8 They shall have like portions to eat, beside that which cometh of the sale of his patrimony. Is an attractive perennial herb It has featherlike leaves It has leaves that taste like cucumber It can be used as a small border plant It is a fast growing plant It grows up to 2 feet high It can be added to salads It can be used in herbal butters or vinegar It can be used in a summer drink It can be a fodder plant for animals It can be grown in a container How to Grow It likes light, well drained soil It likes a sunny position Increase plants by root division from existing plants Or sow seed in Autumn Seedlings should be at least 15cm(6in) apart Harvesting Pick leaves once the plant has established It can be used fresh or frozen See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pum...

The easy guide to caraway

Caraway (Carum carvi) Proverbs 15:29 The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. Is an attractive biennial It has bright green carrot or fennel like leaves It grows to 75cm tall It is similar in flavor to cumin It has many culinary uses The seeds flavor cakes, cookies and rye bread Seeds flavor cheese, apples and cabbages Seeds flavor soups, pickles and goulash Seeds are used in teas Edible leaves go with stews, stuffings or meatloaf The roots are edible like parsnips How to Grow Plants do not transplant well Sow seed in Spring Space plants 30cm apart In rows 90cm(3ft) apart Harvesting Clip off seedheads when they turn brown Hang plant upside down in a paper bag to collect seeds Seeds can be stored in an airtight containers See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins http://...

The easy guide to cumin

Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. It is mentioned in Isaiah 28:25-27 and Matthew 23:23 KJB It is a bushy annual herb It is grown for its seeds It has delicate dark green leaves It has leaves similar to fennel It grows to 2 feet tall It has small white or red flowers Its a member of the carrot family Seeds are used for curries or spicy foods Seeds can be crushed to make a powder It goes with rice, noodles or potatoes It is used to liven bland foods It is used to flavor cheeses It is often combined with other herbs The seeds can be used in a tea How to Grow Sow seeds Spring or Summer It likes a sunny position It likes garden soil mixed with compost It needs high temperatures for the seeds to ripen Space plants 30cm apart Keep the soil moist Harvesting Just before the seeds ripen Hang plant upside down in a paper bag to collect seeds Seeds can ...

The easy guide to anise

Anise (pimpinella anisum) Ephesians 1:8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; It is mentioned in Matthew 23:23 KJB Is a half hardy annual herb Is grown for its licorice flavored seeds It has feathery leaves It has small white flowers It has a similar flavour to fennel It grows to 60cm tall Seeds go with cakes, cookies and bread The seeds are grey-green in color The leaves are edible as well Leaves go with carrots, parsnips and yams Use seed or leaves to make a tea How to Grow Anise doesnt transplant easily It likes full sun or a sheltered position It likes light soil Sow seed in Spring or Summer where plant will grow Plant distance is 15cm apart in rows 2 feet wide It likes regular watering Harvesting Pick leaves when they are mature Collect seedheads when they change color Dry the seedheads and thresh when dry See More! The easy guide to Potatoes

The easy guide to angelica

Angelica (Angelica archangelica) Psalms 148:2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. Is a large biennial It has dark green leaves up to 3 feet long It has hollow stems that are purple at the base The whole plant has a distinctive aroma It grows to 2 meters(6 feet) high It has yellow and green flowers All parts of the plant can be used Stems can be used in salads Leaves can be cooked with fish or poultry The roots are used in teas The seeds are used as a flavoring It is considered a tonic and a stimulant How to Grow It likes partial shade It likes rich moist soil Propagate with root cuttings taken during the second year Or sow seed that is less than one week old Water frequently in dry soil The plant should be protected from strong winds Harvesting All parts of the plant are used fresh See More! The easy guide to Potatoes

The easy guide to lemon verbena

Lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla) Matthew 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; Is a strong aromatic perennial herb It has narrow leaves up to 8cm long Leaves and flowers have a lemon fragrance It is a substitute for lemon rind in cooking It is used for teas and fruit drinks It is used for fruit salads, jams and jellies Lemon verbena is good in a container It has small white flowers It can grow to 3.5 meters high It was used by spanish explorers How to Grow Germination and first growth is slow Take rooted cuttings from new growth in spring It likes full sun and well drained soil It likes fertile soil with organic matter Protect the plant from strong winds Harvesting Harvest leaves anytime See More! The easy guide to Potatoes

The easy guide to tarragon

Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) Matthew 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. It is a interesting perennial It has a very distinctive flavour It is grown for its leaves and edible stems The main two varieties are French and Russian It grows to 1 meter high It is used in salads, cheese dishes and sauces It is used with vinegar and mustard It goes with fish, poultry and vegetables It has tiny yellow or white flowers It vanishes in the cold weather of winter It regrows from the roots in spring How to Grow It needs full sun and moist soil It likes fertile, well drained soil For Russian Tarragon: Sow seed spring and summer Sow seed direct in clumps or rows For French Tarragon: Divide rhizomes in spring Or softwood cuttings in summer Harvesting Leaves or stems It can be used fresh, frozen or dried See More! The easy guide to Potatoes http:...