The easy guide to chamomile
Chamomile (Chamaemelum) Psalms 104:13 He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works. It is a evergreen perennial It has a reputation as a good medicinal herb It grows in a mat shape It has an apple like scent It grows to 12in(30cm) tall It can withstand very cold weather (up to -29C) It is a companion to onions, cabbage or broccoli It can be grown in pots or containers It can be used to repel flies or mosquitoes Dried flowers are used for a herbal tea As a tea it can help sleeplessness How to Grow It prefers full sun or light shade Can be grown from seed direct in the ground Or smaller plants can be transplanted Or by division of existing plants Space plants 25cm(10in) apart Harvesting Harvest flowers when they open They can be used fresh or dried See More! The easy guide to Potatoes