The easy guide to spring onions

Spring Onions (Allium cepa)

Isaiah 42:9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Also known as scallions, salad onions or green onions
Are immature bulb onions grown for their stem and leaves
They are good eaten raw in salads or in stir fries
A 3m(10ft) row can be used to grow a huge 250-300 spring onions
The onion family goes back to times in ancient Egypt
Onions have medicinal properties

How to grow

Sow Spring, Summer, Autumn
Rich, well drained soil is best
Sow seed 1cm(1/2in) apart in rows 30cm(12in) apart
It is best to keep them free from weeds


Are ready to harvest when they are 15cm(6in) tall however
they can be left in the ground to grow bigger

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