
Showing posts from March, 2018

The easy guide to coriander

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) Luke 8:11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. Also known as cilantro or chinese parsley Its grown for its leaves and seeds It has a distinctive flavour It looks similar to flat leaved parsley It grows up to 60cm(24in) tall It has small white flowers Mature plants have a pleasant aroma Seeds go with curries, fish or pickled fruit Seeds also go with beetroot, celery and cauliflower Seeds are used in pastries, sausages or ground meat Leaves go with salads and soups How to Grow It likes open sun or partial shade It likes rich and well drained soil Sow seed in Spring Space plants 15cm(6in) apart in rows 30cm apart Harvesting Pick leaves when they are young Leaves can be used fresh or frozen See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins

The easy guide to lemongrass

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Psalms 103:15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. Is a clumpy perennial grass Is a popular herb in Thai cooking It produces cane like stems It can grow to 2m(6ft) high The leaves are green The fleshy white base of the plant is used It is widely used in Asian cooking It goes with fish, sauces and in soups All parts of the plant smell like lemon Its a substitute for lemon in tea or cooking It can be crushed to a paste or sliced finely into sections It is a good source of Vitamin A The plant dies back in winter It should grow again in spring How to Grow Division from existing plants Best placed in a sunny site and with rich soil It likes to be grown in moist soil Harvesting Cut stems at ground level Use the lower 10cm of the stems See More! The easy guide to Potatoes

The easy guide to marjoram

Marjoram (Origanum majorana) Luke 10:39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word. Also known as sweet marjoram or garden marjoram Is a tender evergreen perennial It is an upright shrub It is a popular herb It has small oval leaves and white or purple flowers It has a delicate sweet taste Is related to oregano It grows to 75cm(2.5ft) high It is an attractive garden plant It can be grown inside in a sunny spot It goes well with tomato sauce, pasta and pizzas It goes well with meat, pumpkin and rice It has remarkable antiseptic qualities How to Grow In full sun with light soil Propagate by seed, cuttings or root division Space plants 30cm(12in) apart Harvesting Pick leaves before it flowers Use fresh, frozen or dried See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins htt...

The easy guide to oregano

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Mark 13:33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. Also known as wild marjoram Its flavour and uses is similar to marjoram Its a edible leaf perennial It grows up to 75cm tall It is an ideal container plant It goes well with tomatoes, onions and pasta It goes well with meat and sauces It goes well with pizzas It can deter insects or beetles at close range How to Grow It likes a sunny and sheltered position It can be raised from seed Or from cuttings or division Keep soil moist Harvesting Pick leaves before it flowers Use fresh, frozen or dried Oregano tastes better if it is dried See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins The easy guide to Peppers/Capsicums

The easy guide to rosemary

Rosemary (Rosmarinus o fficinalis) Luke 1:30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. Is a slow growing evergreen perennial It is a popular herb for flavoring It has short, tough silvery needle like leaves The leaves are highly aromatic It can withstand hot sun and drought It is an ideal border or small hedge plant It can live for 30 years It can grow up to 1.5m(5ft) high It is related to mint and sage It can be grown in pots Rosemary oil is used to treat headaches Rosemary goes well with meats and vegetables How to Grow A sunny location A gritty well drained soil is best It can be grown from seed or tip cuttings Prune the plant moderately to encourage more growth Harvesting Pick leaves as needed Use them fresh, frozen or dried See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide...

The easy guide to thyme

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Psalms 89:47 Remember how short my time is: wherefore hast thou made all men in vain? Also known as garden thyme Is an evergreen perennial And is a popular culinary herb Is a low growing subshrub It grows from 5cm to 45cm in height It has tiny flowers There are over 40 varieties of thyme Thyme is used to flavour meats Thyme goes well with zucchini, carrots and tomatoes Thyme tea is a refreshing antiseptic drink Thyme oil is used to treat headaches and other problems How to Grow Needs a sunny site and well drained soil Can be grown from root division of existing plants Or from seed sown Harvesting  As needed Use fresh, frozen or dried Varieties Caraway thyme Lemon thyme Turkey thyme See More! The easy guide to Potatoes The easy guide to Pumpkins

The easy guide to sage

Sage (Salvia Officinalis) Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left. Is a bushy perennial It has tough, aromatic leaves It produces purple or blue flowers in the summer It can grow to 75cm high It can repel cabbage butterfly It is used for seasoning pork, beef or poultry It can used as a medicinal tea It can be used in salads It can be used in soups or cold drinks It can be used as a gargle for sore throats Sage can be grown in containers There are different varieties of sage Sage is a good border plant in the garden How to Grow A full sun position with light soil Sow seed in Spring Or take cuttings in Spring or Summer Or buy commerical seedlings Space plants 50cm(20in) apart Sage can be pruned in early Spring Harvesting Leaves can be picked fresh and used Leaves can be dried for later use The easy guide to Carrots http://cga777.b...

The easy guide to basil

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Hebrews 10:20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; Also known as sweet basil or common basil Is an annual with bright green foliage Is a warm season herb Grows up to 70cm high It has small white flowers Close by Basil assists the growth of many plants Forms include bush, compact and low growing kinds It has a clove like flavour It's used to flavour tomato, fish and salads Can be made into pesto or stored in oil Different basils can have different aromas Basil repels flies and mosquitos How to Grow Sow seed from spring to summer A sunny, warm and sheltered position is best Basil can be grown in pots or tubs Place plants 30cm(12in) apart Or plant out commerical seedlings Harvesting Pick leaves when the plant has grown tall Varieties Cinnamon Basil - A spicy variety ...

The easy guide to chives

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) Ecclesiastes 3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; Also known as onion chives Is a perennial member of the onion group That grows in clumps in the garden It has a tubular leaf different to garlic chives It is a popular herb It has a delicate onion taste It can grow up to 30cm(12in) in height As a plant chives have many uses Can be used with salads, soups or potatoes It is sometimes grown indoors such as a kitchen Are a good neighbour to tomatoes, cabbages and lettuce Chives die back in the cold winter Chives will grow again in the Spring It has nice purple or mauve flowers How to Grow A sunny or halfsun position and well drained soil Sow seed all year round Can be grown in pots or containers Increase by dividing existing clumps Grow clumps 30cm(12in) apart Keep plants well watered Harvesting  Remove flowers and cut leaves ...

The easy guide to mint

Mint (Mentha species) Job 38:27 To satisfy the desolate and waste ground; and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth? Is a creeping perennial herb That is valuable for its leaves which can be chopped There is a big family of mints each different in some way Aromas, leaf forms or taste will be different They have pinkish flowers Mints can become invasive and compete with other plants It can be planted near a tap for more moisture Can be used in sauces and salads Can be used in drinks or cooked as a vegetable Mint rust can be treated by cutting the plant back hard Plants usually grow to 50cm high How to Grow Mint likes damp or moist soil Sow seed in Spring or Summer or Plant rhizomes from existing plants in winter or spring Plant rhizomes 5cm deep and 25cm apart Varieties Apple mint Chocolate mint Common mint Lemon mint Peppermint Spearmint See More! The easy guide to Onions http://cga77...

The easy guide to parsley

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) Job 13:25 Wilt thou break a leaf driven to and fro? and wilt thou pursue the dry stubble? Also known as curled parsley, italian parsley or french parsley It is a well known herb Is a biennial that usually grows to about 40cm or more tall It is grown for its green foliage as a flavouring It is either curly leaved or flat leaved It can be grown in the shade Its growth is reasonably slow It is very high in vitamin A, C and Iron It has its own flavour It can be used in salads, sauces and in fish dishes This plant has small yellow flowers The plant can self-seed in its second year Parsley dies back in the winter time It can be grown in containers or pots How to Grow Sow seed from Spring to Autumn It needs fertile moisture retentive soil Seed takes 3-4 weeks to germinate Space plants 23cm(9in) apart In rows 45cm(18in) apart Keep soil moist Cut off any flowerheads to promote ongoing growth Harves...

The easy guide to cress

Cress (Lepidium sativum) Matthew 15:13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Also known as garden cress Not to be confused with watercress or land cress Is a fast salad crop Is harvested in the early seedling stage And has a piquant and sharp flavour Is good in salads or as a sandwich filling Seeds can be sown anytime of the year Is sometimes grown with mustard another fast crop How to Grow Sow seed 1cm apart Crumbly well drained soil is best Sow in boxes, pots, punnets or anything suitable Keep the soil moist but not wet Seeds germinate in 6-8 days Keep seedlings away from very cold or very hot weather Harvesting About 3-4 weeks from sowing When the seedlings are 4-5cm(2in) tall cut them Cut off plants at ground level with scissors See More! The easy guide to Onions The e...

The easy guide to chilis

Chillis (Capsicum annuum) Revelation 7:16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. Also known as hot peppers or chilli peppers Are related to capsicums and sweet peppers Are warm season vegetables Are ideal plants for pots or containers Are grown in the same way as tomatoes Fruits are used fresh or dry Are an ingredient in pickles Are the main ingredient in chilli sauce Are a rich source of vitamin C Plants are dormant in winter and shoot in spring They grow very well in tropical climates Commercial seedlings allow a quicker harvest How to Grow Sow seed Spring to Summer A sunny and sheltered site is best The best soil is fertile light soils Sow seeds in trays or punnets to plant out later Place plants 40cm(15in) apart And in rows 60cm(23in) apart Use a liquid fertiliser weekly if growth is slow Provide support for plants that are tall and heavy Harvesting  About 10-18 weeks after sowi...

The easy guide to marrows

Marrows (Cucurbita pepo) Psalms 63:5 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: Also known as vegetable marrows or squashes Are a warm season crop Are related to pumpkins and squashes Is really a large zucchini in an elongated shape They are bush or trailing annuals Yields 6-8 small ones or 2 large ones per plant Fruits can be grown up to 50cm long Fruits are plain colored or striped They can be baked or boiled How to Grow Sow Spring and Summer Prefer an open and sunny site The soil should be prepared with organic matter Sow seed 90cm(3ft) apart in rows 90cm apart Mulch around plants Moisture is needed during the flowering period A liquid fertiliser will help plant growth Any frost will kill plants Harvesting Usually 10 to 14 weeks from sowing When fruits are at least 15cm(6in) long Ideal size for fruit is 30cm(12in) long Regular harvesting is needed for maximum cropp...

The easy guide to Yams

Yams (Oxalis tuberosa) Job 30:4 Who cut up mallows by the bushes, and juniper roots for their meat. Also known as New Zealand yams, oka or oca Is a perennial plant grown as an annual Is related to the common garden weed oxalis The edible tubers are 3-10cm long They have uneven grooves and bulges along the sides Is grown in the same way as potatoes Fresh tubers have a strong acid taste So they are stored in a sunny place for a few weeks This improves sweetness and flavour Well grown plants can produce 15-20 roots Roots need to be washed free of soil Oka can be steamed, baked or boiled How to Grow Plant tubers in Spring after frosts are finished In a warm sheltered postion with fertile soil Prepare the soil with compost or well rotted manure Plant tubers 7cm deep and 45cm apart Row spacing is 60cm apart Make sure soil is moist and well weeded Keep the stems covered with soil or compost Mound soil up around plants or mulch deeply Fertil...

The easy guide to celery

Celery (Apium graveolens dulce) Genesis 41:22 And I saw in my dream, and, behold, seven ears came up in one stalk, full and good: Is grown for its succulent stalks Is a cool season vegetable Is a biennial plant Is a challenge to grow celery well The small seeds can be used as a flavouring There are easy blanching or self blanching varieties Before harvesting celery is blanched by excluding light to plants Blanching modifies the taste and color of stalks They can used in soups, salads or cooked There are pink, red and white stem varieties of celery How to Grow Sow from Spring to Autumn In punnets or pots and then later transplanted An open site with rich soil Prepare the bed with compost Place plants 30cm(12in) apart each way Water each day in hot weather Mulch plants to keep moisture in Apply a nitrogen fertiliser every 2 weeks Blanch celery with newspaper from ground level to 40cm high Harvesting Blanch celery 3 weeks before harvesting is...