
Showing posts from October, 2017
Companion Planting Jeremiah 29:5 Build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them; Also known as bio-dynamics some plants can assist the wellbeing of others if grown closely together. This is not an exhaustive list but one that has been proven by many. Compatibility of plants: Asparagus (tomatoes, parsley) Basil (most plants) Beans (carrots, beetroot, cauliflower) Beetroot (onions) Broad beans (potatoes) Cabbage (dill, celery, spinach) Carrots (radish, leeks, lettuce) Celery (leeks, tomatoes, beans) Chives (parsley) Cucumber (beans, corn, radish) Eggplant (dwarf beans) Leeks (onions, celery, carrots) Lettuce (carrots, strawberries, onions) Onions (beetroot, lettuce) Parsley (tomato, asparagus) Peas (carrots, cucumbers, turnips) Potato (cabbages, peas, broad beans) Radish (lettuce, peas, cucumber) Spinach (strawberries) Squash (corn, marigolds) Tomatoes (basil, parsley, chives, carrots) Tu...

The easy guide to silverbeet

Silverbeet (Beta vulgaris var. cicla) (Biennial) Jeremiah 29:5 Build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them; Also known as Swiss chard, chard or Sea Kale beet this plant is very hardy as well as generous as it can be harvested for a year to 18 months. It is a native of the seashore and tolerates a wide range of soils. The seed itself is corky and it's possible that 2 seedlings can come from the same seed. Being easy to grow it can be added to soups, meals, or anything interesting. How to grow:  Full sun or part shade in reasonably fertile soil Sow Spring, Summer or Autumn Rows 50cm Plant spacing 25cm Pick the outside leaves by pulling down and twisting leaving 4-6 leaves in the middle to let the plant keep growing Spots on the leaves can be controlled by picking infected leaves and burning them or feeding them to animals. Bordeaux or a similar spray can help too. Yield: approximately 2kg per metre ...
Another great 7 great herbs Psalms 104:14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth; Caraway (Biennial) It has soft, feathery foliage and white flowers in summer. Quick at germinating  it's grown in a container even with its root which can be cooked like carrots. How to grow: Full sun, seeds direct spring or autumn, 20cm apart Garlic (Annual) It has remarkable antiseptic and antibiotic properties and is recommended as part of the diet as a preventative medicine. How to grow: Bulbs in spring or autumn, 25mm deep, 15cm apart Ginger (Perennial) Reaches about 1.5m and produces spikes of white and purple flowers. Requring a warm to temperate climate it's underground stem is used in cooking. How to grow:  Root pieces in spring, 3cm below surface of a rich, well drained soil. Horseradish (Perennial) Has been used for centuries...
7 more Great herbs Proverbs 27:25 The hay appeareth, and the tender grass sheweth itself, and herbs of the mountains are gathered. Coriander (Annual) This has aromatic seeds and leaves or the entire plant is used in Thai cuisine and the plant is best grown in full sun. How to grow:  Seeds direct spring or early summer 30cm apart Dill (Annual) Is fast growing with fern-like, delicate leaves, attractive yellow flowers and aromatic seeds. Collected seeds retain their fertility for at least 10 years. How to grow: Seeds direct spring, summer or autumn 30cm apart Lemon balm (Perennial) With a smell of lemon it has mint like leaves and almost not noticeable flowers it likes full sun and moist rich soil. How to grow:  Root division, stem cuttings or sow seed direct 60cm apart Oregano (Perennial) An ideal container plant it is easy to grow from seed and will propagate itself by layering. It likes a light soil ...
7 Great herbs to grow Hebrews 6:7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: These herbs are great and are easy to grow. Basil (Annual) Originates from India and is the main ingredient in pesto.  How to grow : Moist rich soil with a sunny but sheltered position. Sow seeds late Spring and Summer 15 to 30 centimeters apart. Chives (Perennial) Belongs to the same genus as garlic and has many similar medicinal effects. How to grow : Sow seeds direct or plant bulb divisions spring, summer or autumn 20 centimeters apart. Mint (Perennial) There are many different types with different flavors and they are easy to grow. How to grow : Root divisions, cuttings and seeds any time of the year Parsley (Biennial) It has curly or flat leaves.  It has good sources of vitamin A, C and iron How to grow :...